Thursday, October 05, 2006

Bakat Asayo

Guess what!!!Its our yearly Inter church competition again....BAKAT ASAYO!!!!! It is a competition between parishes, with young inspiring and talented young people performing on stage. Last year our parish take the stage by storm and shock the judges with our awesome performance (choir) and snag thier first price!!!!Muahahahaha.... *evil grin*

This year, we will be a bit kiasu and join all the categories they have - Drama, Dancing and Choir...

As for cute-little-ole-me willl obviously be involve in the drama! This time this i will be acting as a sarcastic, extroverted girl which always does the right thing....hehe

We had been practising since a few weeks ago...every week we will make Adrian our director *puke* blood because "some" of us keep forgeting our lines or forgetting when to kneel or say the mass proper...

But i have faith in our drama team to do really well on that day... Hopefully by the grace of God that we will not skrew up and make a fool of ourselves :P

Other than that i'm excited and i'm ready to be in the stage again....Boy do i miss the good old days where i can perform in my college drama....the spotlight...the adrenaline rush....haihz....


Unknown said...

hehe have fun with the acting! you know you adore it..kekeke

Elaine Tan said...

Carole: thanks!!!i'll slowly savor every bits of it :) Ala wish you guys can come see me.....