Friday, May 19, 2006


The missionaries from family mission companies and Philipines came last sunday...The missionaries include Bridget, John D and Janalyn(Ling Ling). I didnt get a chance to meet them not till today.
Adrian called me and invited me to join them for dinner because i told them that i wanted to meet them.I went with a nervours heart thinking how should i react and will i or they recognise me and them.
When i went into the room, they just receive me with hugs, longs hugs and all the I MISS YOU ALOT and how are you? and you look great!
Seriously I felt so good to finally meet them. They bring back old beautiful memories. We had such a magical time together before, serving God and singing praises to God together. It was beautiful.
Now seeing them together makes me miss the two weeks sssssssssooooooo much. I really wish that we can turn back time and go back there again.
Meeting them i ask about everyone i know from Philipines. I heard some good news and bad news too.
I make a promise to myself that before i every leave for UK, i'll go back and see them again. I must go back there...cause there is where my heart is.

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