Thursday, January 25, 2007


I had a dream...
It was blur, and hazy when i arrive
I know i am in a different time space.
Everything around me looked advanced
Could i possibly be in the future?
I see faces whom i thought i knew
they pass me by like I'm a stranger
I try to hide or disappear back but i can't
I got scared, panicked and started to run.
i ran and ran
i ran till my lungs gave out
Than i saw you.
you and your clear cool face
You were the only familiar face amidst this confusion
i ran to you
bury my face in your dull orange/brown check shirt
holding you tight
and you,
you gently pat my head and say:

"Its ok, I'm here now"
Nothing matters more to me now,
the fear i felt,
the loneliness...
all gone.
And i know now.
I belong to someone.

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