Friday, January 26, 2007

One down...another one to go...

What is it?What is this feeling??
Is it excitement?Relieve?Wave of exhaustion?Relax?Joy?
Yes! Yes! At last!!!
I finished half of my final exam!!!!!!!!
Ok la i only got two final exam this semester...But seeing that this FINAL semester is SSSSSOOO Blooddy (mind my language) stressful!!!!!!!!!!It was actually a huge, ok ok half of the relieve and joy i'm feeling now!
I was SSSSSOOOO nervous and stress when i take the exam! Partly was becaue i was not well prepared due to i'm SICK with fever and flu...How to really study when you are drugged with panadol?seriously!You just stare at the notes, looking very blur that people have to repeat any sentence or question to me only i understand what they are talking about man!!!!
But now....Eventhough i'm still feverish, flu and a bit dazed by the panadol actifast that i just had...I'm still very much relieved that i only have to focus on the last paper and i can scream in the top of my lungs "MERDEKA!!!!FREEDOM FROM EXAM!!!!!!!!!" first, tomorrow only start studying...heh....

*Note:i miss Nando's.....Can somone supply me Nando's Ceasar Salad please??*

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